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ACL GETUSER username




admin dangerous slow


List the ACL rules of a user.


Retrieve user:

vault, err := echovault.NewEchoVault()
if err != nil {
rules, err := vault.ACLGetUser("username")

Returns a map[string][]string map where each key is the rule category and each value is a string slice of relevant values. The map returned has the following structure:

  • "username" - string slice containing the user's username.
  • "flags" - string slices containing the following values: "on" if the user is enabled, otherwise "off",
  • "nokeys" if the user is not allowed to access any keys (and NoKeys is true),
  • "nopass" if the user has no passwords (and NoPass is true).
  • "categories" - string slice af ACL command categories associated with the user. If the user is allowed to access all categories, it will contain "+@". For each category the user is allowed to access, the slice will contain "+@<category>". If the user is not allowed to access any categories, it will contain "-@". For each category the user is not allowed to access, the slice will contain "-@<category>".
  • "commands" - string slice af commands associated with the user. If the user is allowed to execute all commands, it will contain "+all". For each command the user is allowed to execute, the slice will contain "+<command>". If the user is not allowed to execute any commands, it will contain "-all". For each command the user is not allowed to execute, the slice will contain "-<category>".
  • "keys" - string slice af keys associated with the user. If the user is allowed read/write access all keys, the slice will contain "%RW~". For each key glob pattern the user has read/write access to, the slice will contain "%RW~<pattern>". If the user is allowed read access to all keys, the slice will contain "%R~". For each key glob pattern the user has read access to, the slice will contain "%R~<pattern>". If the user is allowed write access to all keys, the slice will contain "%W~*". For each key glob pattern the user has write access to, the slice will contain "%W~<pattern>".
  • "channels" - string slice af pubsub channels associated with the user. If the user is allowed to access all channels, the slice will contain "+&". For each channel the user is allowed to access, the slice will contain "+&<channel>". If the user is not allowed to access any channels, the slice will contain "-&". For each channel the user is not allowed to access, the slice will contain "-&<channel>".